Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Football Season is Over- On to March Madness and The General Election

The Giants won. After 33 Blog posts about how much the Giants suck. They won the Super Bowl. They beat the Pats, they ended the undefeated season. You will be greatly surprised if you see this Gutstar type another word about football before the college season starts.

That being said. We're back. And we're looking better than ever. We have a new blog up on young professionalism. It's a subject that Nums and I are extremely qualified to write on. More qualified than pro football if you can believe that.

We're moving on to bigger fish. The Election is coming up in November, but before that Hope-fest we've got a little ditty called March madness. that is right, Nums and I will be handicapping the tournament so you can go into your office pool with whatever tool you feel better with (Guts or Numbers) and win. I believe due to the unpredictability of the tournament that I have an embarrassing advantage over Nums. However, as always, I expect him to show up early March with something ridiculously clever.

Til next time. Be Safe.

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