Monday, December 17, 2007

Good News/Bad News

Bad news first: we didn't post this weekend. You already know that. Zach summed it up pretty good. At least I learned yet another weakness of the System: free drinks at a graduate student 'social mixer'. Oh, and young professionals drive Audis. Who knew?

Good news: I finished my stats project an hour late. I guess that's bad news, but really, it's good news, because I got to legitimately analyze the competitive balance in the nfl for a grade... hopefully a good one... probably a bad one. If you're bored, I can email it to you.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Against better judgement I went with your pick...I'm sure it will wind up with Orton throwing bombs all over the field, and Peterson getting hurt the first play. Bah

Unknown said...

Guts posted this week.....posted bail!