If you've been a loyal follower of GVN, you've noticed that I've been pretty bad at updating in the last week. And because an series of unfortunate incidents, I wasn't able to pick as I would have liked last week: according to the numbers. Part of the blames goes to NFL.com for being bad updaters, but most goes to me. I know I let my fans down.
Which leads me to my next point: I don't think I have any fans. Everyone I've talked to has said they prefer guts... guts is their man... that's how they would choose games... That was both heartbreaking and disappointing. I couldn't help coming to this simple conclusion: they are all scared. Scared to do the math. Scared to realize that patterns are everywhere, and statistics matter. Scared that there isn't something inside of us (call it a soul, call it chi, whatever) that is supernaturally guiding us towards a secret knowledge of the future. Scared that maybe, just maybe, numbers control everything and all history has been and will be predicted by the laws of nature and we are powerless to exert any free will upon it. Scared.
But I could care less. Go on believing what you would like. I will sit here quietly eating my nachos (which, according to the laws of nature, are delicious), secure in my acceptance of the truth. So, without further ado, here is my (The System's) prediction for tonight's game:
As you can see, this game isn't even close. Both teams have excellent offenses, but Dallas' is more explosive. Both teams have good defenses, but Dallas' keeps opponents out of the endzone. Finally, with a slightly tougher schedule and homefield advantage (what's that Guts? you didn't think I included homefield advantage? of course I did, there's nothing more numbery than homefield advantage), the game is Dallas' to lose. GB is good, and they will be good, but they are a young team that isn't ready for the big time. I can't wait till next year, when modern science develops a way to attach Bret Favre's Head and Arms to aaron rodger's nimble body. That'll secure the team's future and open up a lot of cap space. What will happen to Aaron Rodger's head? I don't know, but I think Roger Goddell will find a good use for it (think Robocop).
This is shaping up to be a good week. Keep in touch, America.
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