Sunday, November 25, 2007

Random Number Generation

Due to travelling and my parent's computer (windows 98, 56k modem, no excel, doesn't show the color red), i wasn't able to update the system this week. That said, I don't want to forfeit this week, so i'll make picks now by what I think the system would pick and if i can't decide, i'll use the only statistical method at my disposal, a coin flip:

SEA vs. STL (+3)
SEA wins, covers

MIN at NYG (-7)
NY wins, covers

NO at CAR (+2.5)
NO wins, doesn't cover

BUF at JAC (-8)
Jacksonville wins, doesn't cover

WAS at TB (-3.5)
TB wins, doesn't cover

HOU at CLE (-3)
CLE wins, covers

TEN at CIN (+1.5)
Tennessee for win and cover. This is the Gower Power Random Points Pick I Guess for week 12.

SF at ARI (-10.5)
ARI wins, doesn't cover

OAK at KC (-5)
KC wins, OAK beats spread

BAL at SD (-9)
SD wins, covers

DEN at CHI (-2)
Denver win and beat spread

PHI at NE (-25)
NE wins, covers

MIA at PIT (-16)
PIT wins, covers

Side note: I made $100 bucks last night playing the slots, so the coin flips are in my favor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So this is what the great Nums has been reduced to: Guts.

You are a joke. A crappy ass-headed joke.